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BillWill is a simple digital tool that makes it easy to collate and update a record of critical bills and subscriptions. When the time comes, BillWill will confirm your instructions with your nominated custodian or will executor, and handle the admin of closing or transferring these accounts. This could save your loved ones 50+ hours of phone calls and e-mails at an already stressful time. You will also ensure that critical services like electricity are transferred to the person who needs it.

You can either input the details of your bills directly, or use the incredibly secure connection to almost any Australian bank, and BillWill will find the accounts for you! And if you stop/ start paying one during the year, BillWill will let know know, so keeping it up to date is a breeze!

It's just $15 a year, and setup is normally $180 but please use the code SALT to receive a 20% discount. And if you have any questions don't hesitate to get in touch at

New South Wales
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  • Find your bills with ease
  • Choose which bills to include and leave your instructions

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