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In My Place SA

Jennifer Holmes In My Place SA
Business Category

If your goal is to stay in your own home as long as possible as you age, but you are starting to need help and don't know where to start - In My Place SA is your friendly resource.
With extensive experience in home care funding and in functional and home safety assessments, In My Place SA can help guide you right from the beginning of your ageing journey, through the more difficult times.
We can provide:
Full in-home health, functional and environmental assessment (we can also assess and request equipment via CHSP due to being physiotherapists registered with GEAT2Go program)
Discussion of funding available, taking into consideration your financial situation, medical conditions and how things may change into the future
Assistance to prepare for ACAT/RAS assessments, what to ask for and what's best for you at this time in your life, taking into consideration your financial position and individual needs
Advocacy with ACAT/RAS assessments, or with providers
Assistance to find a provider - our experience working within providers means we know exactly what you can expect and what you can include in your package
Reviews of current home care packages
Falls prevention and home safety assessments (included in all of our assessments - we are physiotherapists with extensive discharge planning and home / functional assessment experience)
Assistance to source non-funded services, support agencies and other forms of funding
Advocacy and interpretation of medical information, relating this in a practical way to what this might mean on discharge, and practical application of funding and services to ensure best outcomes (may include GP case conferencing)
Assistance to develop a plan to remain ageing in place, for those just beginning to think about the future

0402 721 155
South Australia
Somerton Park
Grantham Rd
Post Code
  • Home Care Navigation and Ageing in Place


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