There are a wide range of businesses and industries listed in our directory. Have a look through some of the options below and click on the one that’s best suited to what you need.
Featured Business
Prestige Inhome Care

Advocates & Facilitators (9)
Allied Healthcare (3)
Centrelink & My Aged Care (3)
Cleaners (2)
Decluttering (6)
Digital Products (3)
End of Life (5)
Financial Planners (15)
Funding Options (3)
Home Care Services (5)
Mediators & Counselling (5)
Medical (4)
Other Services (18)
Partners (6)
Placement Consultants (6)
Products (4)
Real Estate Agents (5)
Removalists (2)
Solicitors (8)
Superannuation (2)
Transport (0)
Explore the SALT Directory today
The SALT Directory provides more than just a list of helpful services and providers.

It’s a community of like-minded individuals, businesses and professionals. Each member of the directory shares and shows the care, compassion, and empathy people transitioning into senior and aged care living arrangements deserve.
Additionally, they’re experts in providing the services of their specific field. By coming together, we’re providing unity and inclusion. Smaller sole providers and bespoke businesses are given a voice and much-needed support. While those transitioning into new living arrangements, are given the opportunity to easily and quickly find the services they need.
We’re making a difference!
The SALT Directory is all about making a difference, by helping people, and providing support.
- Aimed towards seniors transitioning through the later years of life.
- Connect with individual and bespoke businesses through an integrated network.
- Avoid feeling overwhelmed and lost during a highly emotional journey.
- Find the provider you’re looking for.
- Supportive community of caring providers.